

Mungkin ramai yang menafikan jika dikatakan bahawa peperiksaan UPSR dan PMR telah jauh menyimpang daripada tujuan asal peperiksaan itu diwujudkan. Tujun murni peperiksaan itu diwujudkan telah tersasar jauh dimanipulasi oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.

Ramai yang tidak akan bersetuju jika dikatakan bahawa UPSR dan PMR telah (sama ada disedari maupun tidak) membina satu bentuk diskriminasi pendidikan dalam kalangan masyarakat.

Dan ramai juga yang tidak akan menerima jika  dikatakan bahawa sistem pemilihan ke asrama penuh yang semata-mata bergantung kepada UPSR,  PMR dan kegiatan kokurikulum telah banyak menimbulkan kesan psikologi yang negatif kepada banyak pihak.

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination taken by all students in Singapore near the end of their sixth year in primary school, which is also their last year in primary school before they leave for secondary school. It is administered by the Ministry of Education. This nationwide examination tests the English language, the Mother Tongue languages (typically Chinese, Malay, or Tamil, and also some other South Asian languages, such as Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu), Mathematics and Science. Each subject paper is around 2 hours long, with this time varying by fifteen minutes, except for certain components of language subjects. Multiple choice questions are tested using a standardised optical answer sheet (OAS) that uses optical mark recognition to detect answers.
The format of the PSLE and the presence of it in the Singapore education system gives the PSLE a part in national culture. PSLE material has also been exported to other countries.

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